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Cast & Crew

Director, Writer

Sofía Medrano

Sofía Medrano


Matías Lix Klett


Production Designer

Sofía Medrano

Ezequiel Cutaia 



Sofía Medrano

Martín Policastro​

¿Quién es Mei Li Galván? Es la pregunta que se dispara al espectador en este retrato documental. Los días en la vida de Mei Li, transcurren entre su casa y su peluquería, en el barrio donde nació y vivió toda la vida, en Lomas de Zamora, Argentina. 
Mei Li, ha construido un universo auténtico, solitario y enigmático, generando mixturas de otros tiempos, aromas y culturas. Disfruta de la simpleza de lo cotidiano, impregnada de simbolismos orientales, conviviendo entre plantas, sonidos de campanas de viento y animales, en medio de un mundo moderno, caótico y occidental.
Existen tantos géneros como identidades, y por ende tantas identidades de género como personas, la autodeterminación individual de la identidad es un posibilidad tan personal y única, que derriba la idea de pensar algo como binario y absoluto; abre una puerta a infinitas posibilidades.
Decodificar los enigmas, romper con viejos estereotipos, jugar a ser y ser la construcción de una misma, convivir en un mundo de rótulos , son retos que quizás Mei Li se impuso desde muy pequeña. Mei Li es sin dudas un grito de libertad, resonando en el silencio preñado de magia y posibilidades infinitas .

“Who is Mei Li Galvan?” is the question fired to the audience.
Mei Li spends her time between her house and the hair salon, in the neighborhood where she was born and lived all her life, Lomas de Zamora, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Mei Li has created an authentic, solitary and enigmatic universe, mixing elements of old times, scents and cultures. She enjoys the simplicity of everyday life, imbued with oriental symbolism, surrounded by plants, wind chimes and animals, in the midst of a modern, chaotic and western world.
There are as many genders as identities, and therefore, as many gender identities as there are. The individual self-determination of identity is such a unique and personal possibility that it demolishes the idea of thinking in binary and absolute terms. It opens a door to endless possibilities.

Decoding enigmas, breaking down stereotypes, playing at being someone and being a construction of herself, coexisting in a world that craves labels are challenges Mei Li might have assumed from a young age. Mei Li is undoubtedly a shout of freedom, resonating in silence, full of magic and limitless possibilities.

The idea of filming this documentary appeared after months of following Mei Li’s life on Instagram, where I asked myself if what I was seeing was a real or fictional character and a mise-en-scene. The Universe she shared was unique, original, so cinematographic that it was hard to believe it was real.  I insistently tried to define something, but it was complex. So one day I dared to write her to tell her I was intrigued by her life, that I liked her postings and that I wanted to meet her. The answer soon arrived and after a couple of months, we met up. She was real, her whole world was real, and they were not film locations or movie costumes. Her world actually existed in Lomas de Zamora. She would dress in those clothes every day, she had a Chinese hair salon and lived in Chinese palace, totally designed by her.

Cast & Crew


Sofía Medrano


Mei Li Galván


Sofía Medrano

Yvy Films


Sofía Medrano

Production Designer

Sofía Medrano

Captura de pantalla 2019-04-23 a la(s) 1

© 2019 Sofía Medrano. Proudly created by WIX.COM

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